The word 'microplastics' is headlining stories in The New York Times and National Geographic with increasing frequency these days—so we called up eco activist Emily Penn for an easy shorthand guide to understanding the issue. In today's chat with Gucci, Penn explains the impact of microplastics on the environment—and your health—in simple and riveting terms.  

Just a few things we learned from this 10-minute explainer? Why, despite our own labor intensive attempts with the recycling bin, only 9% of the world's plastics actually get recycled. And how a few quick changes in your own bathroom or kitchen can be hugely impactful in reducing the amount of plastic waste that's swept into our oceans.

Plus, Gucci reveals the grand total raised by the sale of our limited edition Baby Cheeks blush earlier this year! One hundred percent of the proceeds will be donated to Penn's innovative all-female organization, eXXpedition, and spreading her important, empowering mission across the globe. 

Don't miss this ‘lightbulb moment’ video chat on World Oceans Day!


To learn more about eXXpedition's mission to reduce ocean plastic and toxic pollution, click here.  Want to know more about Westman Atelier's stance on sustainability? Here are the facts