Q: How do you keep your skin hydrated?

"When it comes to hydration, I'm a big believer that it comes from the inside," says Gucci, who tends to a alternate between a regimen of rebalancing electrolyte supplements and cult face creams passed on through trusted word-of-mouth recommendations. She switches up the latter category based on any given day's specific skin issues: Superfacialist Joanna Czech's Pumpkin Peel, for instance, is a savior for unexpected breakouts and blemishes; meanwhile, Dr. Hauschka's Rose Day Cream is a regular on-set staple for its lush texture and instant calming effect.

A few extraordinary skincare favorites have become 365-day-a-year staples:  New York City top dermatologist Macron Alexiades's 37 Actives packs a clean, plant-based, perfectly calibrated punch that tackles dark spots, acne and dullness in one shot. As for Lavett & Chin's Coconut Moisturizing Facial Mist? Sure, it contains a potent dose of humectants, honey extract, and organic Bulgarian rosewater—but it's the mood-lifting wow factor that gets us every time. 

The Electrolyte Supplements:

The Super Creams:


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