Q: What are your favorite beauty and nutritional supplements?
Step into Gucci's New York City kitchen and it's hard to miss the corner countertop that's loaded with little jars of all colors, shapes, and sizes. In today's "Ask Gucci" video, she breaks down her top daily or weekly nutritional supplements for better skin, hair, and nails, as well as immunity, antioxidant protection, and digestion (hello, probiotics!). Fine-tuned with help from Dominique Read, M.D., a board-certified doctor in preventative medicine based in Los Angeles, it helps keep her feeling clear minded and even-keeled and energetic. Watch the full video—and check out the complete list of supplements below!
For more "Ask Gucci" posts, check out our archive here. Plus, Gucci shares the recipe for a superfood smoothie she swears by for radiant skin!
Gucci's Top Picks*:
*Any supplement and vitamin regimen should be developed under supervision from your own medical practitioner and tailored to your own unique needs.