There's no getting around the numbers: the beauty industry generates an estimated 120 billion units of waste globally each year—metal compacts, plastic pumps, and glass bottles included. At Westman Atelier, we strive to do our part in reducing our footprint. This includes developing new packaging with the most sustainable materials, converting to refills whenever it makes sense, and sharing what to do with your empty compacts or sticks when trash or recycling day rolls around. 

As proud members of the Pact Collective, a nonprofit that breaks down hard-to-recycle beauty packaging, we hope to close the wish-cycling gap. Here's a list of what products they accept, where to find a bin, and how to order an easy return label

  • Start by checking for pieces that can be recycled at home like glass vials, small plastic containers, or cardboard and paper boxes.
  • Sort your remaining beauty products and wash them out well! Pact will accept up to 10 clean components within their packaging guidelines.
  • To drop off empties, Pact bins are conveniently located across the U.S. and in all Credo stores.
  • No bin near you? No problem! We'll happily help generate a mail-back label.

Watch Gucci's simple guide to Pact's recycling process here or email with questions. Together we can reduce our environmental impact and recycle makeup responsibly. 

Click here for more details on our Pact partnership and Westman Atelier's sustainability efforts. Happy Earth Day!