"As soon as the sun comes out, it's time to switch up my makeup routine, especially when it comes to eyes. This month, I'm playing around with delicate metallics and rich eye liners, like the options in our Eye Love You Edition. They're so easy, and bring a subtle element of light to my look.
I love a fresh gleam on lids, whether it's a wet bronze highlight or an all-over gold shadow. For definition, it's a touch of black pencil to anchor and define. And for a soft new take on a cat eye, I've been experimenting with a diffused wing of cool mink brown instead of black. It's super flattering—and a new favorite eye staple that will carry me all the way into summer!" xx Gucci

Look 1: Lit Up Highlight Stick in Brûlée and Eye Love You Pencil in Khôl Noir

Look 2: Eye Pod in Smudge and Eye Shadow Brush I

Look 3: Eye Pod in Fête and Eye Love You Mascara in Clean Black
For the best luminous skin prep before makeup, check out Gucci's guide to skincare and foundation here. Plus, she's sharing 11 top fashion, beauty, and lifestyle items on her spring shopping list.